Wednesday, May 31, 2023

World Doll Day - SATURDAY JUNE 8, 2023


JUN 8, 2023


      Logo For World Doll Day

       A copy of the letter creating World Doll Day.

So, you haven't heard of World Doll Day? This is not surprising. As of an hour ago, I hadn't conceived the idea. Bob Isbell, who does my printing, says when I ask for something to be done by tomorrow, "I'll make it hap­pen," This is what l would like to do with World Doll Day - make it hap­pen. I need only one thing - COOPERATION! I need cooperation of every doll collector, every magazine editor, doll newsletter, doll shop, library, dollmaker, mother, grand­mother, father, grandfather, and all the stray aunts and uncles. The first World Doll Day is the Second Saturday of June 1986. I am getting a doll ready to give. If you don't have a child to give a doll to - find one. There are many children with no dolls. Give a doll to a grownup child in the family or just a friend. 
Think of it this way, and ship a doll to another country. I have always felt that the common doll could be an instrument of world understanding. From the time I first started writing books on dollmaking, I had the hope that dolls would help make friends all over the world and develop a little love among all.
World Doll Day will also be a day for doll exhibits. It is my hope that all libraries will have a special doll exhibit; museums will publicize their doll exhibits and have special exhibits at this time. Magazines will put out special editions. Doll stores will put on selling campaigns weeks ahead. Dollmakers will make special dolls for World Doll Day. There will be doll competitions with World Doll Day awards, plaques and trophies.
The logo is made from artist Boots Tyner's doll representing a child. The child carries a German bisque doll to represent this doll col­lector's gift. Feel free to copy the logo or have more made.
Everyone can join the fun, as there are no fees, no permission needed, no obligations, nobody owns the day, no club, no company. It's a free-for-all. Take up the day, its ideas and fly with it. Let's do it now - World Doll Day.
If you think World Doll Day is a good idea, then appoint yourself a committee of one to do something about it - only then can it become a reality. Would you tell five people, ask them to tell five people and each of them tell five more and so on. World Doll Day's birthday is June 14, 1986.


 Mil and Vernon Seeley

Are you going to celebrate? 

Wednesday, May 24, 2023

A Day To Celebrate

 My Bleuettes and little Googley Celebrate and Honor our

fallen Hero's and loved ones this Memorial Day.


  Monday May 29, 2023 is Memorial Day.  Formally it was known as Decoration Day.

Decoration Day was began during the Civil War (War Between The States) as a day to place flowers on the graves of fallen Soldiers  in  that war,  

During World War One it was changed to Memorial Day honoring the fallen soldiers during all our wars.  

My Bleuettes and Toni"s are dressed in their patriotic dresses of Red. White and blue, as they head out to the local celebrations to honor my father Staff Sergeant James Miller Brown, who died during World War Two. 

 MY Great Great Grandfather Private Jesse Brown died in the Civil War (War Between The States).

The day is celebrated with families and friends cooking out, going to concerts, parades, picnics etc, all remembering the sacrifices of their

loved ones.

                 My Toni's celebrate  and honor their loved ones.

Thursday, May 11, 2023

Hang Tags For Your Dolls

Hang Tags.
Putting hang tags on your dolls can be very important.
Purchase large size hang tags with strings to attach to your dolls.
On the hand tag, list the name of the doll, company that made it, the
year made, and the size of the doll. Look the doll up in a value
guide and write all the information such as the year and condition of
the doll and whether the clothing, shoes etc. are original that
pertain to the valuation of the doll. List the book and the page
number where this information is listed. On the other side of the tag
write where and when the doll was bought, how much was paid and
other information needed in the future. Attach the tag to the wrist
of the doll. If something should happen to you, your family would
have an idea of the worth of the doll and some information about it.
Also if the doll were sold you would have an idea of a price to sell
it for. When the dolls go in a display I remove the tags from the
wrists and place it inside the panties till I get the doll back.